Unboxing my first beauty box from Vanity Trove

Hey adorable!

Now im going to share about my experience with Vanity Trove beauty box!

(Source: google)
Click on the picture to go to their site
So in March 1, 2014, i finally decided to try to buy one of this beauty box and it's from Vanity Trove. At first i want to get Glamglow sample (before i buy the full size one which is really expensive, since it's gonna be a waste if my skin rejected it) and luckily, the vanity trove has it.

I choose customize one time box. Since im not sure yet if i want 3 months or more membership (im afraid im not gonna like what's in the box) and i already knew what samples i want to pick. The box prize is IDR 180k. Maybe quite expensive only for small samples, but the glamglow sample (shared jar 5ml) i saw on some online shop is about IDR 90k, so i decided to choose the whole beauty box and get other samples too. 

So then, i have to choose 6 samples then simply checking out. I pay through ATM and about 2 days it got confirmed and only few days until the box came to my house.  I was quite excited though, it was my first time ordering this kinda box, and yeah i opened it right away after it arrived.

Here it is~
The box wrapped nicely with this VT paper bag.

The paper bag is quite durable and not thin, so it's not easily torn.

 Like an envelope, it's easy to open the paper bag without have to rip it off, just open the VT sticker softly and tadaa~

 Here's what inside, the box wrapped nicely with one layer of bubble wrap and secured with VT sticker. Dont worry, event though only one layer of bubble wrap, the box itself already thick enough to protect whats inside.

Tadaaaa, as i said, the box is thick and looks simple yet elegant with VT label in the middle of the box. As you can see, there's a shinny gold ribbon, it is for pulling out the box inside from the outer box (boxception hahaha). 

 In the both side of the box you can see a tagline "discover beauty". Also, the box size is 23x17.5 and thickness about 6cm. It looks like a dictionary for me hahaha.

Tadaaa, i pulled out the inside box and the products are covered with this thin fabric. 

I was so excited, hahhahaa

 Aaaaannnddd here's what's inside! I got voucher too!

The samples, also plus dove roll on and one full size Lux liquid soap!

Here's the reason why i bought VT box at the first place. Only 5ml, maybe about two or three times usage, but im looking forward to use it. If it helps i'll sure gonna buy the full size! (but i have to save a lot of money for this little baby)

Next Bioderma Sensibio H2O face cleaner, i should admit that i quite curious with this one, since i see quite some good review about it. I hope it too will have a good effect on me :)

 Then Clarins Paris Lift Anti-Rides Jour - Extra firming day cream, to make your skin looks young and free from wrinkle perhaps? Hahaha idk, never really pay attention to this brand before, maybe some of you who already try it could share on the comment section? That would be a big help :)

It's also from Clarins Paris, but this one is Creme Mavelt Multi-reductrice - Body shaping cream, maybe this one works like slimming gel, since it's for body shaping, hmmm i hope it can reduce cellulite! Any thought guys? Have you try it? Feel free to share the experience!

Then i got this secret key sample, but im not sure if im going to use it or no, since it's for brightening skin and i already used history of whoo line, so im not sure. Perhaps later. But if it's good, i would like to know, leave a comment :)

Then this, 4 small sample of Lioele Triple the Solution BB cream. I hope it better that etude one, since im not really a fans of etude bb cream (it tuns greyish sometimes on my skin)

Free sample of Dove deodorant - whitening original. Hmmm interesting.

And last but not least, free full size of new Lux fresh splash, it looks refreshing from the packaging, i hope it smell nice and work nicely on my skin!

Three free vouchers : Sariayu, Makeover ID and Secret Key

Well, im kinda disappointed because they gave me expired voucher (i mean whats wrong with company and expire or almost expire voucher or product? Seriously better not put it inside rather than put an expire one)

Anyway even thought the expire voucher kinda pissed me off, i mean trust me, better just not put it at all. Disturbing the view and annoying. BUT, i will enjoy the rest of the products and the vouchers left. Thanks for VT for giving me two more products and some vouchers (even though the expired one will not considered as a goodwill).

Thats it, my experience of un-boxing a beauty box!

Have any experience with this kinda box or the products inside my box? Share some thoughts in comment section! I will love to read them and reply!

Buy the box here:
 Click picture above for the customize beauty box

Click picture above for the membership box

See you in my next post adorable angels!



  1. wah ak suka banget sama packingannya , kayaknya udah beda ya ? dulu setau ak belum ada amplop warna coklatnya , designnya juga keren bangett , dulu juga blm ada bubble wrap , sekarang udah ada , mungkin biar lebih aman ..


    1. iya ini aman bgt isinya, kotaknya jg cukup keras soalnya. Hehehe iya packagingnya super cute :3

      Thanks for stopping by :D

  2. kotaknya VTI bagus yah. kalo punya banyak bisa ditumpuk terus dijadiin laci buat simpen2 barang :D


    1. Iyaaa, kotaknya lucuu :D
      Hihihi nice idea, aku malah mau pake buat naro2 secret stuff from boyfriends :P

      Thanks for visiting :D

  3. Betul betul betul.. packing box nya lebih Glamour ya?? Bagus.. itu liquid soap Lux nya menggoda sekali, Lioele nya juga keren langsung dapat 3 sampel.. bioderma aku waktu itu dapet dari lolabox.. ampuuh emang untuk bersihin kotoran membandel..

    1. Hehehe iya, packagingnya cantik :3
      Iya nih kepo ama bioderma, kayanya harus cepet2 dicobain nih hehehe,

      thanks uda mampir yaaa :D

  4. parah banget tuh ngasihnya voucher expired! glamglownya menarik sekali tapi seipritnya itu loh, beli full sizenya juga edyan banget harganya T_T packagingnya vanity trove kece ngets ya bisa jadi koleksi hehehe

    1. hihihi iya nih vouch expirenya nyebelin, semoga mereka g sengaja masukinnya -.-
      Hahahaha iya glamglow harganya membuat kantong kering. Katanya sih yg seiprit ini bs d pake 3x, hahhaa mayan lah buat nyoba2, dr pada uda beli yg gede trus g cocok, lebih sakit hati T_T

      Thanks for stopping by! :)

  5. Oooh, yg dimaksud beauty box tuh ini yaaa... Sample lioelle nya lucu ya, tapi voucher expirednya ga lucu banget. Thanks reviewnya :)


    1. Iya, tulisannya sih beauty box hahaha. Banget ngga lucunya si vouch expired >_<

      thanks for stopping by yaah~ :3

  6. baguss ya desain paper bag nya ^^
    btw kok dikasih dove deodorant & lux.. itu sih di supermarket jg bs beli x_x parahh dikasih expired voucher..ckck


    1. hahhaa iya nih >_< bonusnya kurang cetar hahaha dan iya vouch expire nya agak nyebelin >_< tapi untungnya packing nya oke bisa di pergunakan lagi hahaha

      thanks uda mampir yaa :D

  7. nice packaging. seru ya kayaknya beli ginian xD pengen coba kapan2

    MITCH | Click to join OhDearBumblebees' Giveaway~*

    1. Hihihi iya, lucu packaging nya, ayo ayo di coba, buat seru2an hihi :P



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