2nd Liebster Award From Angie: 'Angie Beauty Diaries'!


     So i got nominated for Liebster Award (again) from Angie "Angie Beauty Diaries"! Hahhaa i got nominated twice in a week, what an honor :)

     Anyway, i will share again what Liebster Award is, as i quote from my other Liebster Award post "Liebster Award is given for a blog with less than 200 followers and also, it said it's something like welcoming a new blogger to the bloggerhood hahaha."
     You see, im feeling so happy to get this award, i feel welcomed by the other blogger. Surely this can boost my mood to share another beauty post! But like i stated on my othe post, i cant promise to update many post, since i still have to get my thesis done, gosshh kill me, arrrghhhh x((

Anyway, here are some rules for this award:
  1. Thank the person who nominated you, and post a link to their blog on your blog.
  2. Display the award on your blog
  3. Answer 11 questions which provided to yo by the person who nominated you
  4. provide 11 random facts about yourself
  5. nominate 5-11 blogs that you feel deserve the award ( who has a less than 200 followers)
  6. Create a new list of questions for the blogger to answer
  7. list these rules in your post ( you can copy and paste from here)
  8. Inform the people/blogs that you nominated that they have been nominated for the Liebster award and provide a link for them to your post so that they can learn about it (because they might not have ever heard of it)
So lets start with 11 another random facts about me hahhaa:
1. im an emotional eater
2. i stressed a lot lately
3. i gain more than 10kg since highschool (brb workout n diet)
4. i really want to get back in shape
5. somehow im quite happy with my body even though im way too fat right now
6. i like to watch my partner while he was sleeping (real life or even through skype)
7. im working on my Elsa costume right now
8. i cant stop complaining
9. i chew my nails when im thinking a lot
10. i still pretend im a mermaid when im in the water (bathtub or pool) and even sing 'part of your world'
11. im planning on spending the rest of my life with my partner (a.k.a get married in a year or two)

I know it's super random hahhaha >.<

Now im going to answer the questions from Angie!

1.Jadi beauty blogger atau MUA?
both, well depends actually, if i became a MUA, i can get me a real income (i can use it for daily life), but blogging is also fun, so lets faith decide :P
2.Apa cita-cita kamu yang sebenarnya?
well, be a housewife and have my own business 
3.Kenapa kamu buat beauty blog?
first of all, sometimes i look for a review but i cant find it, so i want to contribute review too so i can help people with more review  
then, it's like a place where i can prove myself to some people who underestimated me, well that im good at beauty or makeup thingy, even when i rarely going out with makeup, i am capable of doing it. So it's like the media for it ;)
4.Pilih lipstick orange ,pink ,atau merah ? (pilih satu)
5.Selain blogging apa sih yang kamu lakuin?
sleep, reading, shopping, dating, doing my freaking thesis and yadda yadda
6.Apa kebiasaanmu yang paling buruk? (lol buka aib hahaha)
im quite dirty, i rarely clean up my room, it can be super messy and i will have an allergy symptom
7.Makeup brand amerika atau korea?
so far i still like american brand
8.Apa wishlist kamu yang nomor satu?
get married with the one i love
9.Kalo kamu dapet chance ngedate sama aktor terkenal ,siapa yang kamu pilih?
gerrard butler, he's smokin sexy  and his voice is hawt ;)
10.Japanese style atau korean style atau american street style ? (pilih satu)
none, i dont stick to one style
11.nyanyi,dance,atau masak ? (pilih satu)

 Hahahhaa sorry for the weird answers, but they all are true :P

     Well, no im confused who should i nominate again, since i dont know many beauty blogger (im quite new at this), so here it goes, i hope none of you would mind i nominated you :)

I nominated:
1. Luci http://gratefulbeauty.blogspot.com
2. Anggie http://anggieloritairianto.blogspot.com
3. Rini http://ninudhrinudt.blogspot.com
4. Hani http://www.simplybeautyme.com
5. Lia http://michiyochiharu.wordpress.com
6. Lidia http://www.thebeautypride.com
7. Connietta http://conietta.blogspot.com

Well, i guess thats all i can find for now >_<

And here are my other 11 questions for you guys:
1. do you want to be a MUA?
2. What part do you love most as a beauty blogger?
3. Your makeup style?
4. what do you look in a beauty blog?
5. who inspire you to be a beauty blogger?
6. favorite pet?
7. favorite shoes?
8. most wanted makeup or skincare?
9. makeup and skincare brand you love most?
10. what lipstick color and brand do you love?
11. what do you want to be 5 years from now?

That's all! I hope you enjoy reading my second Liebster Award post, and once more thank you for the sweet Angie for nominated me again! See you on next post!



  1. wih jawabannya bagus2 kak ,good luck on blogging ya ,keep loving disney <3 and smoga langgeng terus ya kak,sepertinya fall in love banget kak dari jawaban2nya hihi

    1. hehhee thanks uda di baca xD
      yuppp, you too! dan amiiinn doanya, makasiihh :*

  2. hahhahaa nambah lagi, sippp, nanti nyusul ya post nya, masih ada posts yg delay nih hihihi :P
    Thanks! :D



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